Gross Floor Area
41 stories
Floor plate size ranges from 14,260 ft2 to 21,180 ft2

Typical Office Floor
High clear headroom
Raised floor system
Acoustic metal ceiling
Integrated light fittings

Vertical Transportation
17 super high speed passenger lifts
2 dedicated lifts serving car park floors
Independent service lift

Dual power lead-in from separate substations*
Back-up bus bar*
(*Back-up lead-in provides a portion of building’s total consumption)
Generator provides power to tenant’s essential load

Air conditioning system
Overhead central air conditioning system
Thermostat and fan speed control for tenant’s adjustment
Dedicated 24-hr chilled water supply
American ASHRAE Standard of treated fresh air supply output

Dual lead-in from different telephone exchanges
Dual fiber optic riser backbone
Choice of FTNS operators
Common Antenna System (CAS) provides mobile coverage

Building Management & Security
Access card control system integrated with all office floors and passenger lifts
24-hr digital security surveillance at all major access points

Lift Safety Fire Services
Automatic sprinkler system
Fire hydrant and hose reel system
Generator supports base building life safety components